Master’s Degree in Historic Environment 2012–2014 Part-time study - University of Cambridge

The Master of Studies in Historic Environment at the University of Cambridge’s Institute of Continuing Education is a new venture in collaboration with the University’s Department of Archaeology ( The programme connects archaeological theory and research with modern policy and practice in the management and conservation of landscapes, parks and gardens. As well as opening up career pathways in the public, private and voluntary sectors, the MSt provides a sound foundation for further graduate research.

Year 1 is made up of four taught modules: Theory and Concept; Sources, Methods and Research Skills; Policy and Strategy; Active Management of Conservation and Restoration. In Year 2, students will research and write a 15,000-word dissertation under the direction of a personal supervisor.

The MSt will be taught part-time over two years from September 2012, in short, intensive study blocks of 3-9 days each. It has been designed to be accessible to those in full- or part-time employment and to international students on a Student Visitor Visa.  Applications will be accepted from 1 September 2011 and the closing date will be 30 March 2012.

Contact: Susan Woodall on or email:

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