Green Heritage Site

Green Heritage Site Status is a new development under the umbrella of the Green Flag Award
How well a site's heritage value has been conserved or enhanced, and how much people understand and enjoy it are considered important.

Green Heritage Site status is a special category in the Green Flag Award scheme, the national standard for quality parks and green spaces. Any site applying for a Green Flag Award can also apply to be a Green Heritage Site. Green Heritage Site status is sponsored by English Heritage and promotes the value of, and best practice in, the care and upkeep of parks and green spaces in England that are of local or national historic interest. Sites do not have to be on the English Heritage Register of Historic Parks and Gardens, but must be at least 30 years old.

What's New?

Green Heritage Site Status is a new development under the umbrella of the Green Flag Award
How well a site's heritage value has been conserved or enhanced, and how much people understand and enjoy it are considered important.