Heritage for All

The Old Hebrew Synagogue, Princess Road Liverpool, granted £99,000 from English Heritage for urgent works to make the building sounds and watertight. (c) English Heritage, credit Borris Baggs
Nelson Mandela, unveils an English Heritage Blue Plaque to Ruth First and Joe Slovo, Camden, London.

Working for Social Inclusion and Diversity in Heritage

Everybody makes history. We all have our own heritages. Everyone can have a part in enjoying, understanding and caring for Englands's shared heritage. As a nation, we have a very long tradition of diversity. The heritage of different cultures has been woven into our shared history over hundreds of years, through migration, trade, conquest and alliances. Many of the historic properties in this country can tell fascinating stories of international importance, and tell of the contribution of millions of people from all walks of life to the built heritage that surrounds us, and enhances our lives.

People care passionately about their own heritage and their neighbourhood landmarks, streets, parks and houses. Just as we have built the world that surrounds us, in many ways, it has built us, and the historic environment plays a major part in our sense of identity. We believe that as many people as possible should help to hand on the heritage that matters to them.

English Heritage works to promote enjoyment of our shared heritage to the widest possible audience. The historic environment is a resource from which everyone can benefit and is a fundamental tool for regeneration, sustaining community pride, supporting small businesses, creating a sense of belonging and reaching out to and educating the next generation. We want to ensure that everyone can access the built heritage around us, and gain something meaningful from the interaction.

We want to hear your suggestions about how to make English Heritage, and the historic environment more welcoming and appealing to everyone.
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The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008

The key goal of the year is to encourage dialogue between all the culturally diverse peoples of Europe. In addition, the year aims to highlight the contribution of different cultures to the Member States' heritage and way of life, to recognise that intercultural dialogue is essential for learning to live together in harmony and to promote the view that cross-cultural developments enrich the lives of all in our communities. More information about the year of intercultural dialogue can be found on the Europa website

What's New?

The old Hebrew Synagogue, Liverpool, granted £99,000 from English Heritage for urgent works.
Nelson Mandela, unveils an English Heritage Blue Plaque to Ruth First and Joe Slovo, Camden, London.