Planning Tools

Trafalgar Square has been transformed from a modern-day roundabout to a grand square, through appreciation of its historic significance and its contribution to our quality of life as a public space.
Regeneration of the historic environment helps revitalise buisness, social and cultural life, as evidenced by Grainger town, Newcastle.

Most public intervention in the historic environment is carried out at a local level, and local planning authorities play a vital role in conserving England's heritage. HELM aims to make it easier for local authority members, staff and non-heritage specialists get the most benefit from their local historic environment.

Local authority planning departments are the initial contact for advice for those who want to make alterations to their properties or carry out development schemes . To achieve quality results with efficient use of resources.they need to be contacted at the earliest possible stage when developing a proposal.  Local authorities also produce guidance on protection, development and management of the historic environment.

English Heritage is the UK Government’s statutory advisor and a statutory consultee on all aspects of the historic environment.  We respond to consultatations from local planning authorities on planning and other applications relating to listed buildings, conservation areas, scheduled monuments and registered parks and gardens and publish a wide range of policy and guidance on managing the historic environment.

Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment (PPS5) was issued on 23 March 2010.  It replaces PPG15 and PPG16.  It brings a new, integrated approach to the historic environment, removing the distinction between buildings, archaeological remains and landscapes.  It can be viewed on the .

PPS5 Practice Guide explains how the policies in the PPS can be applied and explains how the historic environment should be integrated into and considered during the planning process.  It can be viewed on line.

Article 4 directions are tools fort local planning authorities to manage change in conservation areas.  They are particularly effective when used as part of a well-considered management plan supported by guidance to local owners. English Heritage has produced further guidance on their use.

The Housing and Planning Delivery Grant is awarded for  housing completions and the plan making and  joint working which support local authority housing delivery  but can be abated where local planning authority performance falls belowgovernment targets for the determination of planning applications. The grant is not ring-fenced, and many authorities have used their allocation to ensure greater resources for their historic environment services. 

Implementing electronic government (IEG) is a source of funding for Geographical Information Systems and Historic Environment Records (also known as sites and monuments records).

Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) and Community Strategies are strengthened by an understanding of the role the historic environment plays in the future success of a place. LSPs are responsible for developing the overall future vision for their community, so the decisions they take can have significant implications for the historic environment.

Enabling Development and the Conservation of Heritage Assets

Enabling development is development contrary to established planning policy that is occasionally permitted because it brings public benefits that outweigh the harm that would be caused. An example might be the construction of new housing in part of the grounds of a former rural hospital in a particularly poor state of repair so that the main building can be appropriately restored.

The Planning Advisory Service (PAS, launched Dec 2004) supports planners, enforcement officers, planning committee members and others involved in planning by sharing good practice and introducing new ideas. The online resource will provide links to training programmes and information on effectively managing change in the planning sector.

Planning Matters: is an online planning resource to help RTPI members and others with an interest in the planning system and to support lifelong learning and continuing professional development.

For further information please click on the links in the right hand column.

What's New?

Trafalgar Square has been transformed from a modern-day roundabout to a grand square, through appreciation of its historic significance and its contribution to our quality of life as a public space. Regeneration of the historic environment helps revitalise buisness, social and cultural life, as evidenced by Grainger town, Newcastle.